Dubrovnik Walls

What would Dubrovnik look today if it wasn't surrounded by its famous stone walls with its wide offer of apartments in it. Weather between or out, accommodation in Dubrovnik is not easy to book. Maybe just the enchantment of its walls bringing a magic and a mystery to this town which attracts so many from the whole world. Maybe the wall is that what give this town an aura of romance which does not exist anywhere else on Earth. Walls of Dubrovnik are built stone by stone through centuries and it takes a few hours to walk along. They rise to protect into the 1940 meters long wall from 8th till 17th century. It is 25 meters tall wall, partially 6 meters wide. Four sides of earth are marked by four towers: North has Minčeta tower built in 1464; a year before the tower Bokor is finished at the west; st. John is from 16th century on the south; and Revelin on the east which was built as a shield from Turks in 15th century. Minčeta is the biggest and built by many; with Juraj Dalmatian amongst who is famous over St. Jacob cathedral in Šibenik. There is a legend from the time Minčeta was built; builders have left out of stone so the town issued a proclamation that everyone who enters the town should bring at least one stone along. Dubrovnik walls, as we know it today, gain its appearance in 15th century. That was the time when the greatest number of people lived among it, even 6000 inhabitants. Until that time, walls were renewing all the time in order to straighten its protective function, along with raising turrets, 15 of them, whose function was to close every opening which could be found in the walls. Walls are not protecting today, jet invite to unforgettable walk with a sight of astonishing Dubrovnik Riviera and town itself. The ticket costs 100 kunas and it is not the obstacle for hundreds of thousands of tourist visiting it every year. On Monday, 17 August 2015, a record was broken when 8864 people walked on Dubrovnik walls in just 11 hours.
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