New, comfortable, modernly equipped apartments in Žaborić (10 km from Šibenik) located second row from the sea. The facility is located a few minutes' walk from the pebble/concrete beach. All apartments have a terrace/balcony, complete kitchen, bathroom with shower. The apartments are equipped with satellite television and wireless internet. The facility has an outdoor pool that you can use daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The facility has a sufficient number of parking spaces for all apartment users.
Read more Accommodation unitsReservation is mandatory. Advance payment 30% of the total price of the stay. The preferred time of arrival is 2 p.m., and departure time is 10 a.m. or by arrangement.
Residential tax is included in price.There is no price for the welcome with us. The accommodation price includes free parking spaces within the premises. Free use of the outdoor pool is available to all apartment users every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Possibility of renting a boat and organizing excursions.