Forestry Museum Bošnjaci

Forestry Museum Bošnjaci is located in the village of the same name, only 5.6 kilometers from Županja. If you have found affordable accommodation in Županja, you can walk to the museum while absorbing the magic of the nature of Slavonia. The Forestry Museum Bošnjaci is located in the old school, a building built way back in 1869, on an area of 500 square meters. It was opened in 2007 and presents all layers of the forestry history of Slavonia, with a special emphasis on the Spačva forest and the wealth of Slavonian oak. The traditional tools on display in the museum are a gift from the locals, and the other artifacts belong mainly to forestry and the area of Vinkovci. The museum tells the story from seeds to the making of wooden objects, as well as the protection of animal and plant species in the area. Details about working hours and tickets at
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