Kutlesa Beach Mimice

Frequent surname in these climates is the name of Kutlesa beach in Mimice. Although the beach bears someone's name, access is free of charge. Kutlesa beach is located in the village about ten meters away from the nearest apartments, rooms or holiday houses. Parking spaces here are usually in the yards of nearby houses and private, but if you have rented an accommodation in Mimice, you can easily reach it by foot or a bicycle. Ease of the beach delights. The soil is mixed sand and pebble, with supple rocks caressed by the sea waves, surrounding the beach and offering a place to rest in the sun. It can be difficult sometimes to find a place at 250 meters of the beach in the summer months, while it is ideal in June and September when long sun's rays streak shadows across the warm golden sand. You can take a shower with fresh water on Kutlesa beach after enjoying the gentle waters of the Adriatic Sea. Families with children love to stay on this beach due to its shallow water, and shadows of green pine trees as a natural shelter from the hot summer sun. Here you can enjoy in some of the water sports such as swimming, diving or jumping into the clean and warm sea of Makarska Riviera.
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